Trauma Sports Injury

sports injury


Dr. Parminder Singh

MBBS, MS Orthopeadics


Dr. Harsimran Singh

MBBS, MS Orthopeadics

Dr. Anupma Goel


MBBS, MD – Obstetrics & Gynaecology 22 years experience overall Gynecologist
All Day 10:00am -7:00pm. Just Prior Appointment by Call.

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Trauma Sports Injury

Welcome to Landmark Hospital Trauma Sports Injury Department! At Landmark Hospital, we understand that sports injuries can be challenging and may have a significant impact on your daily life and athletic performance. Our dedicated Trauma Sports Injury team is here to provide expert care, personalized treatment plans, and comprehensive rehabilitation to get you back in the game and back to your active lifestyle. Services We Offer: Evaluation and Diagnosis: Our experienced sports medicine specialists will conduct a thorough evaluation of your injury, including a detailed medical history review, physical examination, and imaging studies such as X-rays, MRI scans, or ultrasound. Accurate diagnosis is crucial to develop an effective treatment plan. Non-Surgical Treatments: Depending on the type and severity of your sports injury, non-surgical treatments may be recommended. These can include physical therapy, bracing, splinting, medication, and other non-invasive interventions aimed at promoting healing and relieving pain. Minimally Invasive Procedures: If a sports injury requires intervention, our skilled orthopedic surgeons are proficient in performing minimally invasive procedures. These advanced techniques often result in smaller incisions, reduced scarring, and faster recovery times.

Common trauma-related sports injuries include:

Overuse injuries

When dealing with trauma-related sports injuries, it's important to follow these general principles:

Ice, Compression & Elevation
Medical Evaluation
Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy
Overuse injuries
Rest and Protection

When dealing with trauma-related sports injuries, it's important to follow these general principles:

Ice, Compression, and Elevation: Applying ice packs, compression bandages, and elevating the injured area can help reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation. Medical Evaluation: Seeking prompt medical evaluation is crucial to assess the extent of the injury, rule out more severe conditions, and receive appropriate treatment recommendations. Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy: Depending on the injury, a physiotherapist or sports medicine professional can develop a customized rehabilitation program to restore strength, flexibility, and function. This may include therapeutic exercises, manual therapy techniques, and gradual progression of activities. Gradual Return to Sports: Returning to sports activities should be a gradual process under the guidance of a healthcare professional. It involves progressing through specific phases of rehabilitation, ensuring adequate healing, and gradually increasing intensity and duration of activity

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